Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation/Bachelor of International Studies

University of Wollongong Business School

Tipo de institución: Universidad/Institución de Educación Superior
Nivel: Graduado
CRICOS: 00102E

Be inspired by philosophy and art as you engage with a diverse selection of intellectual and artistic masterpieces, while expanding your world view as you explore global issues impacting our world today. Throughout the Bachelor of Western Civilisation, you will philosophically reflect on questions about art, literature, science and religion while also investigating such topics as the nature of selfhood, truth, reason and wisdom. You will discover how great ideas and art can shape us - our understanding of ourselves and the world. When you study international studies, you will analyse national and global issues, learn about the forces shaping the modern world and the theories that underpin our understanding of important global issues. Students are encouraged to undertake study abroad to further expand their skills.

Información del estudio

CampusTarifasInducción a mediados de añoAsistencia
Wollongong International: $146,880 No
  • Full-time : 5 years

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