Master of Offshore and Coastal Engineering
University of Western Australia, The (UWA)
Tipo de institución: Universidad/Institución de Educación Superior
Nivel: Postgrado
CRICOS: 00126G
Offshore and coastal engineering underpin much of global prosperity associated with the Blue Economy, including ocean energy infrastructure, aquaculture industry, shipping and trade activities, and coastal development to support population growth and services in coastal regions. In a world of ever-increasing energy and food demand, the challenges resulting from coastal hazards and climate change, and the need for more environmentally sustainable coastal development, there is increasing demand for offshore and coastal engineering expertise around the world. The Master of Offshore Coastal Engineering provides a pathway for students with undergraduate engineering degrees in areas such as Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, to undertake advanced study for careers in the offshore and coastal marine sectors.
Información del estudio
Campus | Tarifas | Inducción a mediados de año | Asistencia |
Crawley | International: $99,600 | No |