Advanced Diploma of Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising - MST60119

TAFE Queensland Brisbane

Tipo de institución: Instituto TAFE
Nivel: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
CRICOS: 03020E

This qualification is intended for design and product development roles in the textile, clothing and footwear industry, as well as roles associated with fashion buying and managing fashion business as part of an enterprise. Work is undertaken autonomously. The role involves the application of broad skills and knowledge for highly skilled work applied at various stages across the design, production and supply chain continuum, according to workplace requirements. This qualification allows for a generalist qualification, or specialisation in the fields of \u2018Design and Product Development\u2019 and \u2018Fashion Business\u2019.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Información del estudio

CampusTarifasInducción a mediados de añoAsistencia
Mount Gravatt International: $31,000 Yes
  • Full-time : 2 years

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