Bachelor of 3D Art and Animation


Tipo de institución: Instituto TAFE
Nivel: Graduado
CRICOS: 00591E

Become a technically accomplished design professional and gain the skills you need for a successful career as a 3D and visual effects artist and animator. Learn to collaborate on creative projects, strengthen your interpersonal and communication skills, graduate with a show-reel of your work, ready to become a creative leader. Graduates of the Bachelor of 3D Art and Animation can establish themselves across a range of creative industries including filmmaking, game design and development, television, online content development, virtual production (VP), virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), and advertising. This degree has been created in close consultation with the industry. You'll gain a theoretical grounding in art and animation principles and experience production in deadline-driven commercial environments. Further information about this course is available on the TAFE NSW Degrees website:

Información del estudio

CampusTarifasInducción a mediados de añoAsistencia
Enmore International: $70,560 No
  • Full-time : 3 years
  • Part-time : 6 years

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