Doctor of Philosophy in Art, Design and Architecture

Monash University

Tipo de institución: Universidad/Institución de Educación Superior
Nivel: Postgrado
CRICOS: 00008C

A PhD offered in Art, Design and Architecture takes the form of the Monash Doctoral Program. The program consists of an extensive, independent research project on an agreed topic, supported by a minimum of two expert academic supervisors. This is enhanced by professional development activities or coursework units that provide you with the skills required to make an impact in academia, industry, government or the wider community. Your study will result in a research thesis or alternative approved output, which makes a valuable contribution to the current body of knowledge on your chosen topic.

Información del estudio

CampusTarifasInducción a mediados de añoAsistencia
Clayton International: $118,200 No
  • Full-time : 3 years
Monash Online International: $118,200 No
  • Online/Off-campus : 3 years

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