Politécnico de Melbourne
- Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) - 22627VIC
- Advanced Diploma of Creative Product Development - CUA60420
- Advanced Diploma of Jewellery and Object Design - MEM60222
- Advanced Diploma of Music - CUA60520
- Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media - CUA60620
- Bachelor of Agriculture and Technology
- Bachelor of Applied Architecture
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
- Certificate III in Bricklaying and Blocklaying - CPC33020
- Certificate III in Commercial Cookery - SIT30821
- Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care - CHC30121
- Certificate III in Patisserie - SIT31021
- Certificate III in School Based Education Support - CHC30221
- Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping - FNS40222
- Certificate IV in Cyber Security - 22603VIC
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