Advanced Diploma of Jewellery and Object Design - MEM60222

Politécnico de Melbourne

Tipo de institución: Instituto TAFE
Nivel: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
CRICOS: 00724G

This qualification defines the skills and knowledge required to develop jewellery and object design solutions that require a wide range of specialised technical and creative skills. Design solutions reflect consideration of aesthetics, function, production techniques, material characteristics, and marketability of jewellery and objects. It is typically used to develop skills and knowledge in jewellery and object design enterprises. Skills gained from the qualification may be applied to specialist jewellery and object design briefs, including heritage jewellery, theatre and film commissions, exhibitions and churchware, as well one-off individual client briefs.Assessment of some units of competency must, where indicated, include evidence of the candidate's performance in a functioning workplace where there is a sufficient range of appropriate tasks and materials to cover the scope of application of those units. All outcomes must reflect the standard of performance inherent in the job.In some jurisdictions, units in this qualification may relate to licensing or regulatory requirements. Licensing and regulatory information is included in the relevant units of competency.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication. Local regulations should be checked.

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