Master of Project Management (Professional)

Universidad de Bond

Tipo de institución: Universidad/Institución de Educación Superior
Nivel: Postgrado
CRICOS: 00017B

Future-proof your career with Bonds Master of Project Management (Professional), designed to equip you with comprehensive business-ready knowledge and skills required to launch a career, specialise or excel in the field of project management. Specifically crafted for international students, thiexperientially orientedprogram will enhance your knowledge across an array of areas including sustainable practices, business strategy, change management and measurable performance. Graduates will be equipped with the critical professional skills employers seek in communication, leadership, team management, negotiation, and risk management and can apply these skills via predicative, adaptive and hybrid ways of working. Bonds Master of Project Management (Professional) is akin to other enabling degrees like an MBA capable of unlocking wider career opportunity both now and well into the future. It includes a semester-long professional portfolio subject undertaken as either industry placement or industry-based on-campus immersion.

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